ASTM B361 Baja Perak Nikel

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When it comes to special-purpose alloys, ASTM B361 Baja Perak Nikel stands out for its unique blend of properties. Often used in various industrial and artistic applications, this material, sometimes referred to as nickel silver or German silver, is an alloy composed primarily of nickel, copper, and zinc. Despite the name, it contains no silver. This alloy is prized for its corrosion resistance, electrical conductivity, and aesthetic appeal. But what makes ASTM B361 so special, and why should you consider it for your next project? Let’s dive deep into the world of nickel silver steel and uncover its secrets.

Komposisi Kimia ASTM B361 Baja Perak Nikel

Understanding the chemical makeup of ASTM B361 Nickel Silver Steel is crucial for appreciating its unique properties. The table below provides a detailed breakdown of its components.

UnsurPersentase (%)
Lead0.05 max
Iron0,25 maks
Mangan1,0 maks

The interplay between these elements results in a material that balances strength, ductility, and resistance to corrosion. The presence of nickel imparts excellent corrosion resistance, while copper contributes to its overall strength and durability.

ASTM B361 Baja Perak Nikel

Applications of ASTM B361 Nickel Silver Steel

Nickel silver steel is versatile, finding its way into numerous industries due to its excellent mechanical and aesthetic properties. Here’s a look at where ASTM B361 is commonly used:

Musical InstrumentsUsed in the manufacture of flutes, saxophones, and other wind instruments due to its acoustic properties and resistance to corrosion.
Cutlery and TablewarePreferred for its tarnish resistance and appealing silver-like appearance.
Perangkat Keras KelautanIdeal for marine applications because of its high corrosion resistance, especially in saltwater environments.
Architectural FeaturesUtilized in decorative elements and hardware for its aesthetic appeal.
Electrical ComponentsEmployed in connectors and contacts due to its good electrical conductivity.
Jewelry and Decorative ItemsValued for its attractive finish and ease of working into intricate shapes.

From practical, industrial uses to aesthetic, artistic applications, the versatility of ASTM B361 is unmatched.

The Mechanical Properties of ASTM B361 Nickel Silver Steel

Mechanical properties are critical in determining the suitability of a material for various applications. Below, we delve into the key mechanical properties of ASTM B361 Nickel Silver Steel.

Kepadatan8.5 g/cm³
Titik Leleh1,170 – 1,220 °C
Kekuatan Tarik450-550 MPa
Kekuatan Hasil250-350 MPa
Pemanjangan saat Istirahat20-40%
Modulus Elastisitas115 GPa
Ketahanan90-150 HV (Vickers Hardness)

These properties make ASTM B361 a robust and reliable material for many demanding applications. Its tensile and yield strengths ensure it can withstand substantial mechanical stress, while its elongation and hardness indicate good ductility and resistance to wear.

Perlakuan Panas dari ASTM B361 Baja Perak Nikel

Heat treatment processes are employed to enhance the mechanical properties of ASTM B361 Nickel Silver Steel. Here’s a look at the typical heat treatment methods used:

Proses Perlakuan PanasKisaran SuhuPurpose/Effect
Annealing600-650 °CSoftens the material, improves ductility.
Menghilangkan Stres300-400 °CReduces residual stresses, stabilizes dimensions.
Pengerasan750-800 °CIncreases strength and hardness.
Tempering200-300 °CBalances hardness and toughness.

These processes can be tailored to achieve specific mechanical properties, depending on the application requirements.

Suppliers and Pricing Details of ASTM B361 Nickel Silver Steel

Knowing where to source ASTM B361 and understanding the cost implications is essential for planning and budgeting. Here’s a snapshot of some prominent suppliers and pricing information:

PemasokLokasiHarga (per kg)Catatan
ABC MetalsAMERIKA SERIKAT$25 – $30Custom sizes available, bulk discounts.
Metals4UINGGRIS£20 – £25Offers cutting services.
Rimex MetalsAustraliaAUD 35 – AUD 40Specializes in architectural applications.
Shree ExtrusionsIndia₹1500 – ₹1800Competitive pricing, high-quality alloy.

Prices vary based on the supplier, location, and quantity purchased. It’s always a good idea to request quotes from multiple suppliers to get the best deal.

Advantages and Disadvantages of ASTM B361 Nickel Silver Steel

Every material has its pros and cons. Here’s a comparative look at the advantages and disadvantages of using ASTM B361 Nickel Silver Steel:

Tahan Korosi: Highly resistant to corrosion, especially in marine environments.Biaya: More expensive than some other alloys.
Daya Tarik Estetika: Attractive silver-like appearance.Kemampuan kerja: Can be more challenging to machine and work with compared to other metals.
Kekuatan dan Daya Tahan: Strong and durable, suitable for demanding applications.Kepadatan: Higher density can be a disadvantage in weight-sensitive applications.
Konduktivitas Listrik: Good electrical conductor.Nickel Sensitivity: Some individuals may have allergic reactions to nickel.

Balancing these factors will help you determine if ASTM B361 is the right choice for your project.

Comparing ASTM B361 Nickel Silver Steel to Other Alloys

When selecting a material, it’s helpful to compare ASTM B361 to other alloys. Here’s how it stacks up against some common alternatives:

ASTM B361 vs. Stainless Steel

ParameterASTM B361 Baja Perak NikelBaja Tahan Karat
Tahan KorosiTinggiSangat tinggi
Daya Tarik EstetikaSilver-like, shinySilvery, can be polished
BiayaSedang sampai TinggiSedang
Kemampuan kerjaSedangTinggi
KepadatanLebih tinggiTurunkan

ASTM B361 vs. Brass

ParameterASTM B361 Baja Perak NikelBrass
Tahan KorosiLebih tinggiSedang
Daya Tarik EstetikaSilver-likeGolden
BiayaLebih tinggiTurunkan
Kemampuan kerjaSedangTinggi
Konduktivitas ListrikLebih tinggiTinggi

These comparisons highlight the specific contexts where ASTM B361 excels compared to other alloys.

ASTM B361 Baja Perak Nikel


What is ASTM B361 Nickel Silver Steel made of?It is an alloy composed of nickel (10-30%), copper (60-70%), and zinc (10-20%), with trace amounts of lead, iron, and manganese.
How is ASTM B361 Nickel Silver Steel used in the marine industry?Its excellent corrosion resistance makes it ideal for marine hardware, fittings, and decorative elements that are exposed to saltwater environments.
Why is it called “nickel silver” if it contains no silver?The name comes from its silvery appearance, which resembles silver, although it contains no actual silver.
What are the mechanical properties of ASTM B361?It has a density of 8.5 g/cm³, tensile strength of 450-550 MPa, yield strength of 250-350 MPa, elongation at break of 20-40%, modulus of elasticity of 115 GPa, and hardness of 90-150 HV.
Is ASTM B361 Nickel Silver Steel expensive?It tends to be more expensive than some other alloys due to its unique properties and composition, but prices can vary based on supplier and quantity.


ASTM B361 Baja Perak Nikel is a fascinating alloy that offers a unique blend of properties, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. From its appealing aesthetic to its robust mechanical properties and corrosion resistance, it stands out as a versatile and valuable material. Whether you’re crafting musical instruments, designing architectural features, or working on marine hardware, ASTM B361 Nickel Silver Steel might just be the perfect choice. Remember to consider all its advantages and disadvantages, compare it with other alloys, and consult with suppliers to ensure you get the best deal and the right material for your needs.

By understanding and utilizing the unique properties of ASTM B361 Nickel Silver Steel, you can leverage its strengths to enhance the quality and longevity of your projects.

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