Acciaio speciale 52100 Acciaio per cuscinetti


Benvenuti nella guida definitiva su Acciaio speciale 52100 Acciaio per cuscinetti. If you’re here, you’re probably diving deep into the world of bearing steels, and you’re in the right place. We’ll explore everything from its unique properties to its applications, pros and cons, and more. This guide is tailored for you, whether you’re an engineer, a manufacturer, or just someone curious about high-performance steels.

Panoramica dell'acciaio speciale 52100 per cuscinetti

Special Steel 52100 Bearing Steel is renowned for its exceptional strength, wear resistance, and durability. This high-carbon chromium alloy steel is used primarily for the manufacturing of bearings and other high-stress components. But why is it so special? Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty details.

Dettagli principali:

  • Composizione: High carbon, chromium-rich steel.
  • Proprietà: High hardness, excellent wear resistance, superior strength.
  • Applicazioni: Bearings, rollers, and high-stress machine parts.
  • Vantaggi: Durability, cost-effectiveness, high fatigue strength.
  • Svantaggi: Can be prone to brittleness and requires precise heat treatment.
Acciaio speciale 52100 Acciaio per cuscinetti

Tipi, composizione, proprietà e caratteristiche

Understanding the specific types and compositions of 52100 Bearing Steel is crucial. Here’s a detailed look:

Tipi e composizioni

TipoCarbon (%)Chromium (%)Manganese (%)Silicon (%)Other Elements
52100 Standard0.95 – 1.101.30 – 1.600.25 – 0.450.15 – 0.35Elementi in traccia
52100 Modified0.98 – 1.201.40 – 1.700.30 – 0.500.20 – 0.40Molybdenum, Vanadium

Proprietà e caratteristiche

Durezza60-67 HRC after heat treatment
Densità7,81 g/cm³
Resistenza alla trazioneUp to 2,050 MPa
Resistenza allo snervamentoApproximately 1,700 MPa
Resistenza alla faticaHigh, suitable for cyclic loads
Resistenza all'usuraExcellent due to high hardness and chromium content
Resistenza agli urtiModerate, varies with heat treatment

Applicazioni di Acciaio speciale 52100 Acciaio per cuscinetti

Where is 52100 Bearing Steel Used?

The applications of 52100 Bearing Steel are vast, primarily because of its robustness and resilience.

CuscinettiEssential for reducing friction in machinery. Used in automotive, aerospace, and industrial equipment.
RulliIntegral in conveyor systems and manufacturing lines.
IngranaggiHigh stress, high load applications in various machinery.
Viti a ricircolo di sferePrecision movement in CNC machines and robotics.
RacesThe tracks in which bearings roll, requiring high wear resistance.
SpindlesCentral rotating components in many machines, ensuring smooth operation.
StrumentazioneCutting tools and dies due to high hardness and wear resistance.

Specifiche, dimensioni, gradi e standard

Specifiche e standard comuni

ASTM A295American Society for Testing and Materials
AMS 6440Aerospace Material Specifications
DIN 100Cr6German Institute for Standardization
JIS SUJ2Japanese Industrial Standards

Dimensioni e gradi

Range di dimensioniGrado
Barre rotonde10mm – 100mm diameter
Lenzuola1mm – 50mm thickness
Fili0.5mm – 5mm diameter

Fornitori e dettagli sui prezzi

When it comes to sourcing 52100 Bearing Steel, knowing the right suppliers and pricing is crucial.

Fornitori leader

Nippon SteelGiapponewebsite

Dettagli sui prezzi

FormaFascia di prezzo (per kg)
Bar$2.00 – $5.00
Lenzuola$3.00 – $6.00
Fili$2.50 – $4.50

Pro e contro di Acciaio speciale 52100 Acciaio per cuscinetti


DurataLong-lasting under high stress and load conditions.
Resistenza all'usuraExcellent for components that experience constant friction.
Cost-EffectivenessRelatively affordable compared to other high-performance steels.
VersatilitàWide range of applications across multiple industries.


FragilitàCan become brittle if not heat-treated properly.
Resistenza alla corrosioneNot as resistant to corrosion as stainless steels.
LavorabilitàRequires precise machining techniques.
Sensibilità al trattamento termicoPerformance highly dependent on proper heat treatment.
Acciaio speciale 410/410S Acciaio inossidabile

52100 Bearing Steel Powder Models

Understanding the various metal powder models of 52100 Bearing Steel can be quite beneficial, especially for specific applications such as additive manufacturing and powder metallurgy.

Modelli specifici di polvere di metallo

ModelloDescrizioneTypical Applications
PM-52100Standard 52100 powder for general use.Bearings, gears, rollers.
PM-52100FFine-grained powder for precision components.Ball screws, spindles.
PM-52100HHigh-purity variant for critical applications.Aerospace components, medical devices.
PM-52100CCarbon-enriched for increased hardness.Cutting tools, dies.
PM-52100MModified with molybdenum for improved toughness.Heavy-duty machinery parts.
PM-52100VEnhanced with vanadium for better wear resistance.High-stress bearings.
PM-52100NNickel-alloyed for improved corrosion resistance.Marine applications.
PM-52100SSilicon-enhanced for better strength.Structural components.
PM-52100TTitanium-infused for lighter weight.High-speed applications.
PM-52100XExperimental blend for research purposes.Custom engineering projects.

Comparing 52100 Bearing Steel with Other Steels

52100 vs. Stainless Steel

Caratteristica52100 Acciaio per cuscinettiAcciaio inossidabile
Resistenza alla corrosioneModeratoAlto
Resistenza all'usuraAltoModerato
ApplicazioniBearings, gearsCutlery, surgical instruments

52100 vs. 440C Steel

Caratteristica52100 Acciaio per cuscinetti440C Stainless Steel
Resistenza alla corrosioneinferioreMaggiore
LavorabilitàPiù difficilePiù facile
ApplicazioniBearings, rollersBall bearings, knives

52100 vs. Tool Steel (D2)

Caratteristica52100 Acciaio per cuscinettiD2 Acciaio utensile
Resistenza all'usuraAltoMolto alto
ApplicazioniBearings, gearsDies, cutting tools
Acciaio al carbonio

Domande frequenti

Che cos'è l'acciaio per cuscinetti 52100?A high-carbon, chromium-alloy steel known for its strength and wear resistance.
Why is 52100 Bearing Steel popular?Due to its excellent hardness, durability, and cost-effectiveness for high-stress applications.
What are the common applications?Bearings, rollers, gears, and other machine parts that undergo significant stress.
Come si colloca rispetto all'acciaio inossidabile?52100 has higher hardness and wear resistance but lower corrosion resistance compared to stainless steel.
Is 52100 Bearing Steel expensive?It is relatively affordable compared to other high-performance steels.
Quali sono i requisiti del trattamento termico?Precise heat treatment is crucial to achieve desired hardness and performance.
Can 52100 Bearing Steel be welded?It is challenging to weld due to its high carbon content and requires specialized techniques.
What are the drawbacks?Potential brittleness if not properly heat-treated and lower corrosion resistance.
Which industries use 52100 Bearing Steel?Automotive, aerospace, industrial machinery, and manufacturing.
Is 52100 Bearing Steel good for high-speed applications?Yes, especially when alloyed with elements like titanium for lighter weight.


Acciaio speciale 52100 Acciaio per cuscinetti stands out as a robust, high-performance material crucial for many industrial applications. Its exceptional properties, including high hardness, wear resistance, and durability, make it an ideal choice for bearings and other high-stress components. While it does have some limitations, such as potential brittleness and lower corrosion resistance, its advantages often outweigh these drawbacks, especially in applications where performance and longevity are paramount.

Exploring the various models, applications, and comparisons with other steels provides a comprehensive understanding of why 52100 Bearing Steel is so highly valued in the industry. Whether you’re sourcing materials, designing machinery, or simply curious about advanced engineering materials, this guide should give you a solid foundation and deeper insight into the world of 52100 Bearing Steel.

per saperne di più Acciaio al carbonio

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