Spezialstahl C4510451.1191S45C


Steel is a fundamental material in the manufacturing industry, and among the numerous types available, special steels stand out for their unique properties and applications. Today, we’re focusing on a specific type known as Spezialstahl C4510451.1191S45C. This article will cover everything you need to know about this steel variant, from its composition and properties to its applications, specifications, and more.

Overview of Special Steel C4510451.1191S45C

Special Steel C4510451.1191S45C, often simply referred to as S45C, is a medium carbon steel known for its exceptional balance of strength, hardness, and toughness. It is widely used in various industries, including automotive, construction, and machinery manufacturing, due to its versatile mechanical properties and ease of processing.

Key Features of S45C:

  • Hohe Festigkeit: Offers superior tensile and yield strength.
  • Gute Zähigkeit: Maintains toughness under different conditions.
  • Zerspanbarkeit: Easily machinable and weldable.
  • Wärmebehandelbarkeit: Can be heat treated to improve hardness and mechanical properties.
Spezialstahl C4510451.1191S45C

Chemische Zusammensetzung von Spezialstahl C4510451.1191S45C

Understanding the chemical makeup of S45C is crucial for grasping its properties and applications. The table below outlines the typical composition of this special steel.

ElementZusammensetzung (%)
Kohlenstoff (C)0.42-0.48
Silizium (Si)0.15-0.35
Mangan (Mn)0.60-0.90
Phosphor (P)≤ 0.030
Schwefel (S)≤ 0.035
Eisen (Fe)Balance

This specific composition gives S45C its unique balance of hardness, strength, and toughness.

Mechanical Properties of Special Steel C4510451.1191S45C

The mechanical properties of S45C are what make it highly desirable in various applications. Here are the key mechanical properties:

Zugfestigkeit570-700 MPa
Streckgrenze305-355 MPa
Härte (Brinell)170–210 HB
Impact Value (Charpy V)34 J (at room temperature)

Applications of Special Steel C4510451.1191S45C

S45C’s versatility is evident in its widespread use across different industries. The table below highlights some common applications.

AutomobilkomponentenUsed in manufacturing gears, shafts, and crankshafts.
Construction MachineryIdeal for making structural components and frames.
Industrielle MaschinenCommonly used in parts such as cams, axles, and spindles.
Werkzeuge und MatrizenSuitable for making molds and dies due to its hardness.
Landwirtschaftliche GeräteUsed in parts like plowshares and cultivator tines.

Specifications, Sizes, and Grades of Special Steel C4510451.1191S45C

S45C steel is available in various specifications and sizes to meet different requirements. Here’s a detailed look:

NormenJIS G4051, ASTM A29/A29M
FormulareBars, Sheets, Plates, Forgings
GrößenThickness: 2mm to 500mm, Width: 10mm to 2000mm
KlassenS45C, C45, 1045, 1191

Lieferanten und Preisgestaltung von Spezialstahl C4510451.1191S45C

Finding reliable suppliers and understanding the pricing is essential for procurement. Here’s a list of some notable suppliers and their pricing details:

LieferantLandPrice (USD per ton)Anmerkungen
ABC Steel CorporationUSA600-750Mengenrabatte verfügbar
Global Steel Ltd.Deutschland620-780Custom sizes upon request
Asia MetalworksChina550-700Fast delivery options
Quality Steels Pvt. Ltd.Indien580-730Competitive pricing for large orders

Advantages and Limitations of Special Steel C4510451.1191S45C

Every material has its strengths and weaknesses. Let’s compare the pros and cons of S45C:

StärkeHohe Zugfestigkeit und StreckgrenzeNot as strong as high-carbon steels
RobustheitGood impact resistanceLess tough compared to alloy steels
ZerspanbarkeitEasily machinableRequires careful handling to avoid cracking
WärmebehandelbarkeitCan be hardened and temperedHeat treatment needs to be precise
KostenAffordable compared to many alloy steelsMore expensive than low-carbon steels

Processing and Heat Treatment of Spezialstahl C4510451.1191S45C

Processing and heat treatment significantly affect the properties of S45C. Here’s an overview:

  • Glühung: Heat to 820-850°C, hold until temperature is uniform throughout the section, and cool in the furnace.
  • Normalisierung: Heat to 870-900°C, hold until temperature is uniform throughout the section, and cool in still air.
  • Aushärtung: Heat to 820-860°C, hold until temperature is uniform throughout the section, and quench in oil or water.
  • Veredeln: Heat to 550-660°C, hold until temperature is uniform throughout the section, and cool in still air.

Vergleich mit anderen Stählen

How does S45C stack up against other steels? Let’s compare it to a couple of other popular steel types:

MerkmalS45C1045 Stahl4140 Stahl
StärkeHohe Zugfestigkeit und StreckgrenzeSimilar to S45CHöhere Zugfestigkeit und Streckgrenze
KostenErschwinglichSlightly cheaper than S45CMore expensive due to alloying
Spezialstahl C4510451.1191S45C


Here are some frequently asked questions about S45C:

What is S45C steel?S45C is a medium carbon steel known for its strength, toughness, and heat treatability.
What are the common applications of S45C?Common applications include automotive parts, machinery components, and industrial tools.
How does S45C compare to 1045 steel?Both are similar in composition and properties, but S45C may offer slightly higher strength.
Is S45C steel weldable?Yes, it is weldable, but preheating and post-weld heat treatment are recommended.
Can S45C be heat treated?Yes, it can be hardened and tempered to improve its mechanical properties.


Special Steel C4510451.1191S45C, or S45C, is a versatile and reliable medium carbon steel widely used across various industries. Its unique balance of strength, toughness, and machinability makes it a popular choice for many applications, from automotive components to industrial machinery. Understanding its properties, applications, and processing methods can help you make informed decisions for your projects.

Whether you’re a manufacturer looking for a robust material or an engineer seeking specific mechanical properties, S45C steel offers a compelling blend of performance and affordability. Dive into the world of special steels and discover how S45C can meet your needs, providing both reliability and efficiency in your manufacturing processes.

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